Strictly speaking, there are three basic types of relief sculpture, which are they? Follow the copper relief manufacturer to learn more!
(1) Low relief, or shallow relief, where the carved object only protrudes slightly from the background surface;
(2) High relief, also known as deep relief, in which the sculpture protrudes at least half or more of its natural circumference from the background and may partially detach from the background, resulting in the sculpture resembling a circle.
(3) Gravure relief, also known as sunken relief, involves carving objects that sink below the horizontal plane of the surrounding surface and are enclosed in a sharp cut contour line that is composed with strong shadow lines. The surrounding surface remains unchanged without protrusions.
下沉式浮雕雕刻在埃及很常见,很大程度上仅限于古埃及的艺术,不过在藏传佛教的嘛呢石上雕刻的字母om mani padme hum(玛尼帕德嗡嗡声,以及印度一些精美的小型象牙浮雕中也采用了这种雕刻方式。
Sinking relief carving is common in Egypt and is largely limited to ancient Egyptian art. However, the letters om mani padme hum carved on Tibetan Buddhist mani stones and some exquisite small ivory reliefs in India also use this carving method.
Sculptors can also use medium relief, which is roughly between the high and low forms, which is not very common. Some examples of medium relief can be found in Hindu and Buddhist art in India and Southeast Asia.